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 Título: VSCYBER cliente com falha de AppHangB1
MensagemEnviado: Sex Jan 29, 2016 7:00 pm 

Registrado em: Sex Out 02, 2009 4:11 pm
Mensagens: 5
Boa tarde , Hoje estou com duas falhas em duas maquinas clientes

ja Tentei de tudo , reinstalar o sistema . Passei antivirus , clear master , malvarebits e continua . Ja restaurei o sistema e nada funcionou . Ja tentei reinstalar o o vscyber

Segue abaixo o log do sistemema

2016-01-29 21:35:00Infoinstcont[3536,2800]--
2016-01-29 21:35:00Infoinstcont[3536,2800]2016/01/29 21:35:00 START: Avast installer/updater
2016-01-29 21:35:00Infoinstup[3536,2800]Command: '"C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast\Setup\Instup.exe" /control_panel /instop:uninstall'
2016-01-29 21:35:00Infoinstup[3536,2800]CPU: Intel(R) Pentium(R) CPU G2030 @ 3.00GHz,2
2016-01-29 21:35:00Infoinstup[3536,2800]OS: Windows 7 SP1 x64
2016-01-29 21:35:00Infoinstup[3536,2800]Memory: 40% load. Phys:2463020/4137668K free, Page:4194303/4194303K free, Virt:4099152/4194176K free
2016-01-29 21:35:00Infoinstup[3536,2800]DISKs: C:\ - 401GB free / 465GB total
2016-01-29 21:35:00Infoinstup[3536,2800]Running module version: instup.exe - '11.1.2245.1540'
2016-01-29 21:35:00Infoinstup[3536,2800]Running module version: Instup.dll - '11.1.2245.1540'
2016-01-29 21:35:00Infosimutex[3536,2800]Checking for the mutex ownership.
2016-01-29 21:35:00Infosimutex[3536,2800]The mutex is signaled. We are owners of the mutex.
2016-01-29 21:35:00Infoinstup[3536,2800]Loading product state
2016-01-29 21:35:00Infoinstup[3536,2800]Guid = d0e829b6-8549-479b-bfa6-27d1bbbc27b6, Created = 18:19:26 16.12.2015
2016-01-29 21:35:00Infoinstup[3536,2800]Persistent Guid = 3ed4f9d6-9d44-4747-a4e7-533132205bbf, Created = 18:19:26 16.12.2015
2016-01-29 21:35:00Infoinstup[3536,2800]ProductId = ais
2016-01-29 21:35:00Infoinstup[3536,2800]Edition = 1
2016-01-29 21:35:00Infoinstup[3536,2800]Installed Part info:
2016-01-29 21:35:00Infoinstup[3536,2800]Part 'iex' = 'iex', 5 (0x00000005), 04:42:18 29.01.2016
2016-01-29 21:35:00Infoinstup[3536,2800]Part 'jrog2' = 'jrog2', 4059 (0x00000FDB), 04:42:18 29.01.2016
2016-01-29 21:35:00Infoinstup[3536,2800]Part 'program' = 'prg_ais', 184617157 (0x0B0108C5), 10:41:02 01.12.2015
2016-01-29 21:35:00Infoinstup[3536,2800]Part 'setup' = 'setup_ais', 184617157 (0x0B0108C5), 10:41:03 01.12.2015
2016-01-29 21:35:00Infoinstup[3536,2800]Part 'vps' = 'vps_win32', 369174784 (0x16012900), 04:42:20 29.01.2016
2016-01-29 21:35:00Infoinstup[3536,2800]Latest Part info:
2016-01-29 21:35:00Infoinstup[3536,2800]Part 'iex' = 'iex', 5 (0x00000005), 04:42:18 29.01.2016
2016-01-29 21:35:00Infoinstup[3536,2800]Part 'jrog2' = 'jrog2', 4059 (0x00000FDB), 04:42:18 29.01.2016
2016-01-29 21:35:00Infoinstup[3536,2800]Part 'program' = 'prg_ais', 184617157 (0x0B0108C5), 10:41:02 01.12.2015
2016-01-29 21:35:00Infoinstup[3536,2800]Part 'setup' = 'setup_ais', 184617157 (0x0B0108C5), 10:41:03 01.12.2015
2016-01-29 21:35:00Infoinstup[3536,2800]Part 'vps' = 'vps_win32', 369174784 (0x16012900), 04:42:20 29.01.2016
2016-01-29 21:35:00Inforegistry[3536,2800]BackupFileToRegistry: file 'C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast\setup\setup.ini' was successfully backed up to value 'SetupIniBackup'.
2016-01-29 21:35:00Infoinstup[3536,2800]Loading Proxy settings
2016-01-29 21:35:00Infoinstup[3536,2800]Proxy-Type: 'no proxy'
2016-01-29 21:35:00Infoinstup[3536,2800]Proxy-Authorization: 'no authentication'
2016-01-29 21:35:00Infoinstup[3536,2800]Proxy-Port: '8080'
2016-01-29 21:35:00Infoinstup[3536,2800]Proxy-Name: ''
2016-01-29 21:35:00Infoinstup[3536,2800]Proxy-User: ''
2016-01-29 21:35:00Infoinstup[3536,2800]Proxy-Pass: '?'
2016-01-29 21:35:00Infopartinfo[3536,2800]SetInstalled: Part package part-iex-5.vpx is installed.
2016-01-29 21:35:00Infopartinfo[3536,2800]SetInstalled: Part package part-jrog2-fdb.vpx is installed.
2016-01-29 21:35:00Infopartinfo[3536,2800]SetInstalled: Part package part-prg_ais-b0108c5.vpx is installed.
2016-01-29 21:35:00Infopartinfo[3536,2800]SetInstalled: Part package part-setup_ais-b0108c5.vpx is installed.
2016-01-29 21:35:00Infopartinfo[3536,2800]SetInstalled: Part package part-vps_win32-16012900.vpx is installed.
2016-01-29 21:35:00Infoinstupcore[3536,2800]PkgLoadProductInfo: product GPB was successfully loaded.
2016-01-29 21:35:00Infoguiwizard[3536,2800]Running module version: HTMLayout.dll - ''
2016-01-29 21:35:00Infoguiwizard[3536,2800]Loaded module version: C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast\Setup\HTMLayout.dll - ''
2016-01-29 21:35:00Infoguiwizard[3536,2800]Setup gui was successfully started.
2016-01-29 21:35:10Infoinstupcore[3536,2800]Product pre-uninstallation has started.

Descrição do arquivo: Esse A esta nas duas maquinas que apresentou o problema
11.png [ 19.58 KiB | Exibido 3635 vezes ]
Descrição do arquivo: Esssa e a imagem da falha
1.png [ 8.12 KiB | Exibido 3635 vezes ]
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 Título: Re: VSCYBER cliente com falha de AppHangB1
MensagemEnviado: Dom Jan 31, 2016 9:19 pm 

Registrado em: Sex Out 02, 2009 4:11 pm
Mensagens: 5
Alguem ajuda aewww

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 Título: Re: VSCYBER cliente com falha de AppHangB1
MensagemEnviado: Qua Fev 03, 2016 1:39 pm 
VSCyber Team
VSCyber Team

Registrado em: Sex Jul 14, 2006 7:52 pm
Mensagens: 11595
Localização: SC
Tente reinstalar o .netFramework 3.5 SP1 do Windows: ... x?id=25150

Obs.: Dependendo da versão do Windows, ele não vai permitir a instalação pois já vem instalado.

Depois faça o Font Cache conforme abaixo:

Foram encontrados vestígios nessas procuras do antivírus?

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